Man in Black Tequila Extra Añejo
Man in Black Tequila Extra Añejo is 100% Blue Agave aged in French oak for over 8 years. They wanted to label this Tequila Noir for its dark and shadowy taste, its smoky reverence, but Mexico wouldn’t allow a French word that close to the country’s national pride. Man in Black Extra Anejo is best of breed, save it to accompany Cormac McCarthy’s next novel or your occasional nocturnal attempt to memorize every line of Casablanca. It’s that classic.
This is not just another celebrity endorsed, multi-million dollar brand in a fancy bottle. It is traditional, grassroots, and damn good. Richard S. "Kinky" Friedman (born November 1, 1944) is an American Texas Country singer, songwriter, novelist, humorist, politician and former columnist for Texas Monthly who styles himself in the mold of popular American satirists Will Rogers and Mark Twain.
Throughout history... in legend, folklore, and song, there has stood this lone, solitary figure of strength, independence and courage. The man in black. This tequila is a tribute to men like Paladin, Zorro and Johnny Cash who wore the dark attire that cloaked them in mystery... he may have been a hero or a scoundrel, but all who encountered him knew that he was a force to be dealt with. He was The Man in Black.
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