Review Detail

89 4 100
Reposados T March 14, 2008 58547
Baluarte Tequila Reposado
Overall rating
Initial Taste
There are taller bottles - but this one would make a good basketball center. The bottle is totally black with a short neck that makes it easy to handle. This one will be sitting on the back shelf of any bar - so it does not block the view of the other bottles. To me, it's an elegant look that immediately attracted my attention. One problem, however, is that you can't see the level of liquid in the bottle. It's going to be a guess as to how much is left. This is a Los Altos tequila that tastes just like what you would expect a highland tequila to taste like. You can't see the liquid until you pour it in the glass - and then the fun begins!
The color is light straw - very modestly aged - I must say. It has nice legs that stick to the glass like glue, but it rolls without appearing viscous. Putting the glass to the nose, there is a neutral level of aromatics that I have never encountered. Agave is there, slight alcohol, maybe a touch of vanilla; pleasant for sure, but not complex. Holding the tequila in your mouth - first closed, and then opened - the flavor is gentle, sweet and loaded with agave, vanilla, spicy and fruity accents. There is some alcohol that goes away on the second swallow, to leave nothing but flavor. This is one of the few reposados I would have no problem sipping - especially with fruit slices between sips. Since the price is around $60.00 it's not an inexpensive reposado - so it's better sipped for that reason as well.
Unfortunately, the natural cork on my bottle broke off into the liquid and every time I want to taste this tequila, I must filter it through a paper towel. This is the second cork to break for me in a short time. But, to be truthful, I hate the rubber stoppers and other than cork, I would prefer screw tops - like Don Julio 1942. If it's good enough for that tequila - it should be good enough for any brand. Anyone who wants to try something different and have a bottle with an unusual, but natural, look - will enjoy Baluarte. It is smooth and natural - nothing artificial; the soul of Los Altos.
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