Review Detail

92 3 100
Blancos P Piña June 24, 2008 19717
Not Worth the Money
Overall rating
Initial Taste
My final taste of the discontinued brand Penca Azul. It is one of the finest looking bottles that you will ever see on the shelf with the hand blown agave inside the bottle. It's often referred to as a "treasure" bottle because of it's difficulty to find on shelves these days, but sometimes it's all about the hunt. It carried a premium price tag, so let's hope that it can live up to it.

Price: $60-75/bottle
Aroma: A light agave scent with a hint of toasted marshmallow.
Initial Taste: Right off the bat, it's extremely watery. It's not often that I make note of the mouth feel in the initial taste, but in this case, it needs to be noted. It's very muted cooked agave flavor.
Body: Again, an extremely thin body with a pleasant agave sweetness and the nuttiness/marshmallow flavor returns.
Finish: Short and with a light sweetness. Pleasant, but not much to speak of. It's really easy to drink, but there's juices at 1/3 of the price that are as muted and smooth as this one.

Simply put, there's just not much to this tequila. It tastes fine and is easy to drink, but it's pretty much just hard core tequila lovers that are willing to spend this kind of money on a super premium tequila. The agave is light and there's just too many more flavorful tequilas in this price category that merit $60+. The bottle is beautiful, the tequila is so-so. I'd pass on this one unless you're looking for a really easy to drink bar piece.

Note: I know that this juice may have changed a bit over time. I often hear more positive things about the earlier lots. This was from a later lot. As with any craft brand, things may change for the better or worse over time.
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