Review Detail

100 3 100
United States T June 24, 2007 21216
Overall rating
Agave Spirit Selection
While I do not like to order online, when I am forced to my first choice is always Hi-Time. Their selection is amazing and they pride themselves on customer service. They ship stuff out very fast and in secure packaging. When you recieve your product you see where a lot of you shipping cost goes. One thing to keep in mind is that what is shown on their webpage is not always the same as what is in their store. Hi-Time is getting better with this and is now putting online which bottles are special order only. As for the store itself, it is huge. The tequila shelf is about 6-7 feet tall and at least 20 feet long. Then they have a glass case with all the fancy bottles which is about 7-8 feet tall and 6 feet wide. That is not it either, then there are bottles that are on sale, gift packs, etc all throughout the store.

The staff is very knowledgable about tequila as well. I have talked with staff numerous times. They will spend a lot of time with you going down the isles and telling you about different bottles and their opinions. You may ask where they get their knowledge. Well amongst other things, Hi-Time also puts on tastings. One of which is a huge tequila tasting (see their webpage for more info).

I cannot say enough about this place. I would make a trip to Costa Mesa just to go there...and I usually do.
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