Wahaka Mezcal Reposado con Gusano

T November 02, 2011
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Wahaka Mezcal Reposado con Gusano

Mezcal Review

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Wahaka Mezcal Reposado con Gusano

40% ABV (80 Proof); 100% Espadin

Wahaka Mezcal Reposado con Gusano series is the epitome of smooooooth (emphasis on the “ooooo”). Aged up to 6 months in oak barrels, our 100% Espadin Mezcal is exposed to the wooden notes of the barrels but more importantly to the age-old proven benefits of our handpicked, non-commercial grade worms. Many consider the worm to be a marketing gimmick, but nothing could be further from the truth.

The worm serves a definite purpose in our Mezcal, not only acting as an organic filter smoothing out the rough edges of the high alcohol content but also as an enhancer to the overall flavor with its natural, smoky earth tones (but not overbearing as in other brands of mezcal). There have also been tests that confirm the worm’s aphrodisiac properties. So not only do you get a smooth drink with our Gusano Reposado series, you can also count on exalting your other senses.

About Wahaka Mezcal
Wahaka is crafted in San Dionisio Ocotepec (located in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca in the District of Tlacolula, 16º48´ N 96º24´ W, 1,670 meters above sea level). Founded in 1610, this village has sat at the epicenter of Mezcal country throughout the spirit’s existence. Within the village of San Dionisio, the Morales family has perfected the art of Mezcal creation over generations. Today, young maestro Alberto is the principal author of our label, managing the family’s five stills and overseeing the process from harvest to market.

A key distinguishing factor of Wahaka is that we take pride in focusing on the Mezcales – not their aging. With the exception of the Reposado Gusano (which is a nice complement to our line up), all our Mezcales are “Jovenes” (in Tequilaspeak: “Blanco”). This allows the Mezcal to be tasted and felt without the interference of any wood. In other words, we do not focus on providing Mezcal aged in casks; in fact, our preference is to avoid contaminating the taste of Agave with wood. The reasons for this are many: Mezcal already contains cooked Agaves so it can be smokey or peaty at times, Mezcal can be made from many varieties of Agaves, and each Agave has a completely distinct set of properties, flavors, aromas and sensations. So as far as Wahaka goes, if you want the good stuff: Go Wild!

Photo by TEQUILA.net

User reviews

1 review
Overall rating
Initial Taste
Overall rating
Initial Taste
I don’t have a ton of experience with mezcals, but given their relationship with tequilas, I feel that I should learn a bit more about them and the flavors inherent in that Mexican spirit. Here goes:

Aroma: Smoke and oak.
Initial Taste: There is some initial sweetness that had some citric acidity to it. There’s also some grass and the approaching smoke flavor.
Body: Medium-thin body. Not really oily at all. The smoke is very forward, but there are complimentary flavors or fruit, grass and a touch of vanilla.
Finish: The finish last a medium-long duration with flavors of smoke, wood and a hint of something that tastes like rubber. It could be an earthy aspect of mezcals with which I’m not familiar. At the end of the finish, the smoke is the most prominent.

It’s not totally unpleasant, but I can assure you that mezcals are a spirit that you don’t just jump into right away and fully understand…much like an islay scotch. It’s complex, but very different than an aged tequila. It doesn’t have as much sweetness, but definitely has complex flavors. If you enjoy an islay scotch or a sweet/smoky combo, you would probably enjoy this mezcal.
#1 Reviewer 414 reviews
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